Tuesday 19 May 2020

My Pranam at the lotus feet of Swami Tejomayanand ji. 19/05/2020

Pranam Guruji,

Everyday, listening to your discourse on the Kathopnishad is like trying to digest at least one drop of अमृत तुल्य ज्ञान which makes my life better in every sense. The warmth & affection in your voice makes understanding so much easy and interesting. Praying HIM to keep me blessed with your guiding words always. 

Guruji, as you mentioned correctly in your discourse yesterday, the Guru's teachings truly churn / ignites few thoughts / questions in student's mind. I, too, get so many thoughts after listening to you. Instead of keeping them locked inside my mind or heart, I have decided to express them and surrender them at your lotus feet. Guruji, please bless me and accept my humble offering. 

Super cyclone Amphan has intensified. Learnt from the IMD. Millions of people in India and Bangladesh are in the path of a super cyclone which is due to make landfall in less than 36 hours, bringing damaging winds and heavy rain to a region already struggling with the coronavirus pandemic. 

The wind is blowing strong. It's cloudy in Bangalore. Surprisingly, the wind is cool and has brought the relief from heat. Sitting in balcony & sipping the tea was such a great experience. The cool breeze and hot tea...what a unique combination. On one hand, this intensified cyclone is bringing destruction in one part of the earth and on the other side, it's sending cool breeze. Isn't it an irony? The destructive power of nature is being unfolded. We all will come to know about this havoc in a short while. Praying Goddess Nature to lessen HER anger over mankind.

The thought occurred to my mind - 

When the angry power of nature intensifies, it destructs everything in it's path. It churns the negativity and disturbs the calmness, peace on the earth. It's creates uneasiness in our minds. 

Whereas, when our urge to auquire the knowledge about our "Param Atman" intensifies, it makes us more calm and we are at peace with ourselves. The more the intensity of "Sat Chit Anand" , the more calmness in our heart & mind. The more we will be "One" with ourselves. This intensified gyan will bring not only happiness , peace , calmness but also meaning to our life. 

For both these developments, the same force in the cosmos is responsible. But, the results are exactly opposite. Isn't it a beauty of the creation? 

My mind is still pondering over this thought. 

May God give all the strength & wisdom to all the people, who will be affected by this process.

Hari OM. 🙏

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